Sourced material to inform, support and inspire you
Resources for Individuals
Attached – Book by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
"Attached" - Book by Amir Levine, M.D and Rachel S. F. Heller, M.A. Do you repeat the same relationship all over again and don't understand why?Do you want to know what your partner needs to feel connected?Do you want to know how to create a relationship that feels...
Atomic Habits – Book by James Clear
"Atomic Habits" - Book by James Clear Do you try to establish new habits but don't make them stick?Do you want to lose old habits but don't know how to?Would you like to learn how to create new habits and make bad ones impossible to keep? Atomic Habits by James...
PODCAST – Live Therapy with Neil Sattin, Part 1 & 2
Do you have overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame?Are you feeling stuck in anxious thoughts about yourself and your relationships?Do you feel like you're failing all the time? Live TEAM-CBT with Neil Sattin, Parts 1 & 2.These two episodes really show TEAM-CBT...
Resources for Couples
Where Should We Begin? – Esther Perel’s PODCAST
Where Should We Begin? - Esther Perel’s Podcast on relationships Do you want to hear real couples share real-life problems?Are you curious about listening to a couples therapy session?Would you like to see an expert therapist help couples get unstuck from old...
The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work – Book by J. Gottman
"The 7 Principles that Make Marriage Work" by John Gottman Do you want to know what to do to make your marriage or relationship better and closer?Are you aware that certain behaviors that partners do mean the relationship will likely end?Are you tired of fighting and...
The Five Love Languages – Book by Gary Chapman
"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman Do you understand your partner's needs for closeness and intimacy?Do you know what you want and like to feel loved?Do you want a better connection? The Five Love Languages will help you learn the ways you prefer to give and...
Resources for Single Women
PODCAST – A Single Serving by Shani Silver
PODCAST - A Single Serving by Shani Silver Do you want to rethink what it means to be single? Would you like to know how to respond to questions and challenges about your single life? Shani Silver offers a new way of looking at the single life for women and gives us...
She I Dare Not Name – Book by Donna Ward
"She I Dare Not Name" - Book by Donna Ward Do you want help to know how to deal with living a different life? Donna Ward chronicles her book She I Dare Not Name what it's like to live with unexpected singlehood and solitude and how she found herself and a...
It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single – Book by Sara Eckel
"It's Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You're Single" - Book by Sara Eckel “You’re too picky. Just find a good-enough guy and you’ll be fine.” “You’re too desperate. If men think you need them, they’ll run scared.” “You’re too independent. Smart, ambitious women always...
Resources for Parents of Teens
“Boys & Sex” and “Girls & Sex” – Books by Peggy Orenstein
"Boys & Sex" and "Girls & Sex" by Peggy Orenstein As a parent, do you want to know what your teen actually thinks about relationships, sex, virginity, porn and sexual assault?How can you help your teen navigate in the world of hookup culture?How can you help...
Untangled – Book by Lisa Damour, PhD
"Untangled" by Lisa Damour, PhD Do you have a lot of questions about how to support and guide your teenage girl? Do you want to understand her better and what makes her tick? Do you want to know the developmental milestones and transitions that girls need to achieve...
Emotional Intelligence From a Teen Perspective | Maximilian Park
“Emotional Intelligence from a Teenage Perspective”- by Maximillian Park How does your teenager cope with anxiety caused by peer pressure?How to help your teenager who uses avoidance to deal with pain?Do you talk with your teenager about emotional intelligence? ...