Contact & Logistics

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

– Pema Chödrön

Thank you for contacting me!

Please use the form below to email me and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

My San Francisco office for in-person sessions:

New clients

Let’s set up a free 20-minute consultation via Zoom video or a phone call to discuss your needs and what you’d like to get from therapy. I can also share how therapy can be helpful to you, the way I work and answer any questions you may have. When we decide to meet, you will receive a link to my secure client portal in the Simple Practice Management System.

Therapy Sessions

At this time, I do offer some in-person sessions at my San Francisco office in the Duboce Triangle neighborhood. Most of my sessions are available via Zoom.


Clients can do scheduling with me via email or text.


Please contact me for information about my fees for individual and couples sessions.

Cancellation Policy

48-hours notice is requested if the need arises to cancel or reschedule a session. Otherwise, the client is responsible for a $100 fee.


Most clients keep a credit card on file within the secure Simple Practice Management System. Payment is requested at the time of the session unless other payment arrangements are made. Alternative payments by Paypal and Venmo are also accepted.